Charlestown-Nevis—General Manager at the Nevis Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA), Andrew Hendrickson, prides himself as one who listens to the general public.

On the most recent edition of REFUSE NEWS, a program aired on behalf of the Authority, on Choice radio, on Wednesday mornings, Hendrickson stated that quite a lot of the programs that he has implemented since assuming the role of Manager of the NSWMA, have resulted from suggestions and concerns of the general public.

He noted that in recent times, many suggestions have come in, since it has been confirmed that there are three ZIKA cases in the Federation and another 200 suspected cases.

‘People seem anxious now to get rid of bulky items and they are asking about another amnesty week….you know what? I am going to implement one immediately,’ stated Hendrickson.

It did not take him long to put the amnesty week in place and that week is now established as the week commencing Monday 10th October to Monday 17th October.

During that period, members of the general public will be able to take bulky items, normally referred to as WHITE GOODS, to the Sanitary Landfill at Long Point and not be charged for those items brought in during that period.

A lot of these old stoves, old cars, used refrigerators etc are indeed serving as a breeding source for mosquitoes and with the emphasis on reducing the spread of the ZIKA virus, the general public is asked to take advantage of the amnesty period upcoming.

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