“Brighter Than You Could Ever Imagine” – Devrone Connor’s Advice for All

“Brighter Than You Could Ever Imagine” – Devrone Connor’s Advice for All
Published: 5/10/2013
A current student at the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College, Devrone Connor has special words of advice for the public at large, but young people in particular: “Keep the faith, because you can rise above your current circumstances to make tomorrow brighter than you could ever imagine.”

What makes Devrone’s optimism especially significant is the fact that Devrone was born with spina bifida, which left him unable to walk. From the very start, however, his mother, Merlene Connor made certain that her son understood that although he may have been born with a disability, that was not something that should ever keep him – or anyone – down. “You can achieve great things in life” she says she always told him.

Not only is Merlene Connor completely devoted to her children, but they are equally devoted to her, she says. Devrone explains that he would like to be a doctor so as to be able to help others – an interest he thinks he developed as a result of his own life experiences. And, indeed, both he and his mother attest to the many persons who have helped him over the years: teachers, friends, relatives, neighbours. “Devrone’s first wheel chair came from New Mexico” Ms. Connor explains, “then both his second wheelchair was given to him by Prime Minister Douglas – as was his third.”

Commenting on her son’s positive spirit, Merlene explained “My son has never been the type to give up. Even though I know that he is sometimes disappointed when he would like to go somewhere but cannot.” Devrone admits to twinges of disappointment at times, but explains that he has a technique that prevents him from falling into despondency: He simply chooses to look on the bright side no matter what – to find some positive dimension to whatever he might have to deal with at any particular moment.

Summing up the essence of Devrone’s personality and dreams, his mother explains “Devrone would like to help others”.

In the meantime, with CAPE stretching over the next several weeks, Devrone is already getting ready for the weeks of exams that are ahead, and, among other things, points out that Information Technology is by far his favorite subject. And as to his favorite person? “First and foremost my mother” he says without missing a beat, clearly not only aware of, but indeed deeply grateful for, the constant encouragement and support that his mother has always stood by ready to provide to him.

With Mothers’ Day looming and a special tribute planned for his mother on that day, Devrone remembers what she helped him to believe – If you keep the faith, tomorrow can be brighter that you could ever imagine. And he wants other people, and young people in particular, to believe and know this too.

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