Brown Hill Communications Donates To EPPS

By:Curtis Morton

Following hot on the heels of a similar presentation at the Ivor Walters Primary School recently, the Elizabeth Pemberton Primary school’s Football team was the proud recipient of brand new uniforms on Tuesday 31st October, 2017.

Presenting on behalf of  Brown Hill Communications were Manager Mr. Shawn Bachelder and he was accompanied by Mrs. Shellisa Williams.

In a brief ceremony held during the morning assembly session, an obviously elated Headmistress, Shenelle Pemberton, introduced the visitors to the school.

In his address to the school, Mr. Bachelder noted that the Brown Hill Communications company, was happy to be involved in such a gesture, in assisting the school’s Football team and indicated that the presentation package included shorts, jerseys (all with his company’s markings) and socks.

This announcement was received with loud applause by the teachers and students present.

Coach at the school, Adelvin Phillip, thanked the company for the well needed donations.

He pointed out that his team is now safely through to the semifinals, after convincingly winning the two games played in the ongoing Primary schools Football tournament, which included wins over defending champions IWPS and the Maude Cross Prep School.

“And we gonna win the championship in the new uniforms –right?” he queried. The response was a resounding “Yeah!”

Two of the school’s top players, in Romario (leading goal scorer so far) and T’narje were given the privilege of officially receiving the gift packages on behalf of the school.

Phillip indicated that the school’s team would be playing their next match this coming Friday, in their brand new uniforms and echoed: “Wha we gonna do?”

“Win!” was the loud response, which may have been heard all the way in Charlestown.

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