By:Curtis Morton

The promising, youthful Eagles team, got their wings clipped on Sunday night-17th April, by the defending champions, CG Rebels.
The young players gave a good account of themselves but the more experienced Rebels won through in the end
Game summary:
Game 13 17th April 2016
C G Rebels 87 points to Eagles 62 points

First quarter C G Rebels 23 to Eagles 19
Second quarter C G Rebels 24 to Eagles 16
Third quarter C G Rebels 23 to Eagles 10
Fourth quarter C G Rebels 17 to Eagles 17

Half Time score 47 – 35 in favor of C G Rebels

C G Rebels 87 points
Justin Jeffers 21poi 28reb 1ass 2ste 8b/s 1 turnover 3 of 4 free throw made
Jenerson France 24poi 13reb 2ass 4ste 2 of 3 free throw made
Royden Browne 15poi 10reb 7ass 3ste 5 turnovers 1 of 2 free throw made
Donford Wilkinson 10poi 2reb 5ass 2 turnovers

Eagles 62 points
Gassano Barry 12poi 7reb 1ass 3 turnovers
Santos Calderon 13poi 1reb 4ass 1ste 5 turnovers
Jeffrey Lewis 8poi 6reb 2ass 1b/s 5turnovers 2 of 5 free throw made
Thabiti Abrams 4poi 2reb 1ass 3ste 1b/s 1 turnover

Second game was rained out and was due to be l continued on Monday 18th April 7:30pm.

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