Crooke: ‘I Will Continue to Make My Contribution’

In a recent interview with NTV Sports Page, President of the St. Kitts and Nevis Swimming Federation, Winston Crooke, indicated that he will continue to make his contribution to sports, within the federation of St. Kitts and Nevis

Asked about how it felt to receive the recent independence award, for his contribution to sports, he stated that he was ‘surprised and humbled.’  He indicated that it was a good feeling to be amongst such illustrious company on the day and would have loved his mother to be able to share in the experience.

In rehashing his journey, he noted that he was always a sports person. ‘I used to be a fast bowler. Used to love my Cricket. I used to average 4 to 6 wickets per match,’ he laughed.

He said that when he came to Nevis from England over 15 years ago, he wanted to bring a sports idea that was novel and that is why he got into Windsurfing.

He was however shocked that so many persons on St. Kitts and Nevis were unable to swim and therefore enjoy the waters surrounding them and vowed to make a difference in this regard.

So, from adding Biking to his list of ideas, he formed the Nevis Cycle Club, then got interested in Swimming, to form the St. Kitts and Nevis Swimming Federation.  This led to the inaugural cross channel swim, which has since become an international event.

This blossomed into an interest in Triathlons and even though he and his trainees started out as mere relay partners to stronger swimmers, where they focused on the biking aspect, they soon developed their own swimming skills and Nevis became a force to be reckoned with in triathlons around the world.

He is still committed to teaching as many persons as possible to swim, surf or to learn any skill related to the sea and its environs.

It is obvious that receiving an award is not going to slow the hard-working entrepreneur down.

As a matter of fact, it may only motivate him to do more.

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