Dr. Douglas expresses condolences to mother of murdered victim Priston Joel Flemming

By Erasmus Williams

Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 8, 2018 – The Parliamentary Representative for St. Christopher 6 (Newton Ground to Harris’), Dr. the Hon. Denzil L. Douglas has expressed sadness to the mother of Priston Flemming whose partially decomposed body was found in the Old Road mountains last week Sunday.

 Police confirmed last Thursday that forensic pathologist Dr. Valery Alexandrov, who performed a post mortem examination on Flemming’s body concluded he died as a result of Homicidal Ligature Strangulation.

Although the pain and sadness are real and will last for a long time if not forever, I believe it could have been worse for all of us if his body was not recovered. Of course the pain is even more compounded because a young mother should not be burying her young adult son who was so jovial, healthy and full of life,” Dr. Douglas said in a message to his mother, Gail, also known as Pinky.

“I therefore want to express my condolences on the passing of Priston whom I know you loved very much and who was an integral part of your household. We of this entire Constituency 6 and those of us around the country and beyond who support you, feel a deep sense of loss, almost hopelessness and even anger for this senseless barbaric death,” he said.

“Let us not lose hope. Let us instead put our trust in God and pray that those who are responsible for this cowardly act that has caused so much pain and agony will be caught and tried and brought to swift and exact justice.

The community of Newton Ground, myself and many, many more are praying for you, and we of Constituency 6 shall do whatever we can to help,” said Dr. Douglas, who is presently overseas,” said Dr. Douglas, who is off island, but promised on his return to personally express his condolences.

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