Face-to-face Highlights Stewardship and Progress

Basseterre, St. Kitts, July 03, 2013 (SKNIS): The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis has remained focused on their shared determination to ensure that the population is spared the full effect of the financial crisis endured by many people and nations worldwide, since 2008.

Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, the Right Honourable Dr. Denzil L. Douglas, made this statement at the 2013“Face-to-Face” town hall meeting. This was the most recent in a series of interactive forums established years ago to enable members of the public to engage, as the name suggests, “face-to-face” with the Members of the Federal Cabinet.

Joining the Prime Minister, were the Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Earl Asim Martin; Hon. Marcella A. Liburd; Hon. Glenn Phillip and Hon. Patrice Nisbett. Elected Senators included Hon. Nigel A. Carty and Hon. Richard Skerritt.

The Prime Minister stated that as a result of the developments especially in the Frigate Bay area, the nation has seen great improvement.

“Today our debt is down,” he boasted. “It is projected to fall even further down.”

Prime Minister Douglas mentioned the many successes that St. Kitts and Nevis has seen thus far and commended his Cabinet colleagues for the work they have been doing.

“The Federation is on a very clear path to the establishment of a green economy,” he said. “The Federation has seen budgetary surpluses and the Government is committed to turning nationals into land and home owners as some three thousand persons have benefitted thus far.”

Face-to-Face, which lasted three and half hours, was considered a testament to the strong democracy that exists in the twin island Federation.

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