Faces of Youth Month Launched

By:Curtis Morton

Charlestown-Nevis-Coordinator of the Youth Department on Nevis, Miss Zahnela Claxton, revealed earlier this week that the Youth Department has launched a competition dubbed FACES OF YOUTH MONTH.
The competition will be held at the Nevis Performing Arts Center ( NEPAC), on the evening of Saturday 27th February, starting promptly at 7.30 pm. The gates will be opened at 7.00 pm.

The cover charge is as follows:
$15.00 for adults
$10.00 for Secondary School students
$5.00 for Primary School students, over five years of age.
Persons attending will also be able to win substantial door prizes such as dinners, lunches, free car washes etc.

According to Miss Claxton, some eight persons-four males and four females, have already registered for the contest, with space available for at least one more male and one more female.
Interested individuals must be between the ages of 16 and 25 and must not have a criminal record.

The competition is geared towards creating awareness of youth month and its activities and the activities of the Youth Department in general.
Two winners will be chosen-one male and one female and their photographs will be used as part of promotions for activities hosted by the Youth Department, for the remainder of the year. The chosen individuals will also be highlighted in radio, television and other media promotions for the Department.

They will effectively become the faces of the Department.

The competition will be judged in three segments, with three judges for each segment, making the necessary adjudications.

Segment one: Each participant will introduce him/herself via a prerecorded video presentation, during which he/she will tell the audience about him/herself and the reason why he/she believes he/she should be chosen as one of the faces of youth month 2016. Immediately after each presentation, the participant will be asked one question pertaining to something said during the video presentation.
Segment two: Youth issues –Each participant will speak on an issue currently affecting the youths, for example, drug abuse; bullying; crime; entertainment; education etc. They will present on the topic for no more than four minutes.

Segment three: The participants will each choose a partner of the opposite sex and will make presentations on a selected Ministry of Government and will speak to issues pertinent to that Ministry and will be quizzed on the night, as regards to how they will deal with certain issues relevant to the selected Ministry of Government and to give their vision for the Ministry. One participant will play the role of Minister of Government, while the other will be his/her Permanent Secretary.
The competition will be interspersed with aspects of relevant entertainment which will feature the newly formed Youth Department band; youthful singers, dancers, poets and dramatists.

Miss Claxton further informed that youth month 2016, commences on Friday 1st April with a message by Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams-Junior Minister of Social Development. The theme for the month is YOUTH LEAD
Other activities for the month will involve: A youth gospel concert; a youth camp, dubbed CAMP LEAD; training workshops for youths and the launch of a youth sports program.

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