Kite Flying Winners Fly Despite Terrific Windy Conditions

The wind speed at the Flats in Cole Hill, on Good Friday-18th April, was certainly not generally conducive to kite flying.
The participants in the annual kite flying competition, hosted by the SJCIC (St. John’s Community Improvement Club), certainly had their work cut out in controlling and maintaining their respective kites, as they were usually tossed and turned about by the wind and quite a number of them BUSTED –some never to be seen again.
Some 22 kites were presented for the five judged categories and looked impressive on display but everyone waited with bated breaths, to see if they would fly for at least the required five minutes of air time, in order to really qualify as a kite.
The SJCIC motto on the day was: ‘It is not a kite, if it does not fly!’
Of greatest interest and certainly creating the most excitement, were the three huge kites on display.
Would they fly? That was the common question.
The moment of truth came and as was predicted by the Hon. Eric Evelyn, who was present, they all busted. Two of them totally knocked out of the competition, with one almost decapitating a visiting tourist who was taking a photo of the huge creation as it sped towards her.
The third, owned by a determined Ishmael Farrell, was brought back into the competition as he went to fetch it from amongst the nearby acacia trees.
It flew like a dream the second time around, even though it looked like it was carrying scars from world war two.
Hundreds of individuals showed up for the event, which included domino competitions; sale of traditional foods and music by DJ Wenty and others, throughout the day.
A huge contingent of visitors, from the prestigious Four Seasons Resort, under the guidance of Events Manager, Mackay France, also spent some time at the venue, even learning to fly kites and enjoying the tasty delicacies on sale.
When the final results were announced by Halsted SOOTY Byron, the winners who prevailed, in spite of the excessive wind, were:
BOOK LEAF Kite—Consolation prizes to Niah Dasent and Kataliah Slack (None of the book leaf kites withstood the wind for the required time)
1st –Gino Liburd

2nd –Trevier Smithen

1st Trevier Smithen

2nd Arthur CABBAGE Farrell

1st Ishmael Farrell (11 feet high; 11 feet wide)

2nd Gino Liburd


1st Gino Liburd

2nd Kevin Isaac

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