Message From The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force-Emergency Plans For Hurricane Season

Hurricane Season Begins June 1st

The 2014 hurricane season begins June 1st and will run through November 30th. Forecasters are predicting a below-normal hurricane season with roughly 10 named tropical storms, five hurricanes and two major hurricanes predicted for the Atlantic Ocean this year. According to the US National Hurricane Center, “a lack of hurricane awareness and preparation are common threads among all major hurricane disasters. By knowing your vulnerability and what actions you should take, you can reduce the effects of a hurricane disaster.”

Don’t let a hurricane catch you unprepared. Fill a waterproof storage box with the following disaster kit items:
Water – 1-gal per person for 3-7 days.
Pet Care Items – Identification/shot records/medications, carrier or cage, muzzle &/or leash, additional water & food for pets.
Food – at least enough for 3-7 days per person – Non-perishable packaged or canned food/juices, non-electric can opener, snacks/foods for infants or elderly, cooking tools and fuel, paper plates, utensils, garbage bags.
Personal hygiene items – soap, shampoo, baby wipes, toothbrush/paste, towels/washcloths, etc.
Miscellaneous – Clothing, rain gear, sturdy shoes, first aid kit, medicines, tools, toys, books & games.
Other Supplies –Flashlight, extra batteries, bleach for water purification, battery-operated radio, credit cards, cash, keys, important documents sealed in a waterproof container – insurance, medical records, bank/credit card account numbers, social security card, etc., vehicle fuel tanks filled, emergency phone numbers for disaster relief in your area.

For additional information, please visit You can also download the Tropical Cyclone Preparedness Guide (PDF) from NOAA at
Commissioner C.G. Walwyn, Ph.D (ABD)

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