Minister Douglas Engages with Italian Special Envoy

Basseterre, Saint Kitts – The Right Honourable Dr. Denzil Douglas, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saint Kitts and Nevis, had the pleasure of engaging in a productive meeting with Minister Plenipotentiary Uberto Vanni D’Archirafi, Special Envoy for the Caribbean Countries of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI).

The meeting focused on enhancing collaboration between Saint Kitts and Nevis and Italy, particularly in the fields of science and technology, and addressing the pressing issue of climate change. As a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), Saint Kitts and Nevis faces significant challenges due to climate change, making these discussions both timely and critical.

A key topic of the meeting was the upcoming 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4). In this regard, Minister Douglas underscored the importance of Italy’s support in advocating for the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) at this conference, which is crucial for addressing the unique challenges faced by SIDS.

The long-standing diplomatic relationship between Saint Kitts and Nevis and Italy has been instrumental in tackling issues amplified by external factors. On that note, as the Government of Saint Kitts and Nevis continues to dialogue with Italy, it is hoped that bilateral relations will further flourish, bringing mutual benefits and strengthened cooperation.

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