NABA- Sporting Association Of The Year

NTV Sports page is proud to announce that the Nevis Basketball Association (NABA), is indeed the number one Sporting Association on the island of Nevis, for the year 2018.

The Association, under the guidance of President Wanda Parry and her hard working team, won the honour, hands down.

The Association successfully completed two full tournaments and the top teams, top players and officials, received trophies, medals and in some cases, monetary rewards.

Those two tournaments were, the Nevis Basketball Association league and the Malcolm Guishard Basketball league.

The Association also hosted a junior Parish league and provided opportunities for training for persons interested in officiating the game.

Additionally, the Association was specially lauded by none other than Sports Minister, Hon. Eric Evelyn, in his budget address presentation recently, when he admonished the other associations ‘to take a page from the book of the Basketball Association.’

Minister Evelyn did not mince words in expressing his disappointment with most of the other sporting associations on then island.


She has proven to be a strong willed woman, who knows how to get things done and can pull the right strings to the purses of the potential sponsors of the various leagues.

She finished the year on a high note too, when she linked hands in holy matrimony with one of Nevis’ finest basketballers, Jenerson France.

Or maybe, better put, Jenerson France made his finest slam dunk yet, by taking the NABA president as his bride.

Either way, let it be known that Miss Wanda Parry will not receive similar accolades in 2019. Such accolades may well go to a certain Mrs. Wanda France!

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