CHARLESTOWN, Nevis – July 17, 2015 –A total of twenty one Groovy and Power Soca Monarch artists to compete for places in the Culturama 41 Groovy and Power Soca Monarch Semi-Finals.

 The stage has been set at the Culturama Village for the reintroduction of the Soca Monarch Contest to the Nevis Culturama Festival calendar of activities. On Friday July 17, fifteen artists will compete for a place in the Finals of the Groovy Soca Monarch Contest while twelve artists will compete for a place in the Finals of the Power Soca Monarch Contest.

Competing in the Groovy segment would be X-man, iTebulous, Fantastic Tunda, Daddy Tuss Tee, Delly Ranks, NyNy, Speedy, Mr. Energy, Woodis, Jazzique, Rucas, Kjah, Jazzbo, BG’s and DC while the Power segment would see X-man, iTebulous, Fantastic Tunda, Daddy Tuss Tee, Delly Ranks, NyNy, Sekou, Young J, Adowah, Wingie, Heuj and Meeko.

In the Groovy segment the artistes will be judged as follows: Lyrics 20 points, Music 50 points and Performance 30 points, while in the Power segment the competitors will be judged on Lyrics 20 points, Music 30 points and Performance 50 points.

The Bacchanalist Crew will provide the musical accompaniment for the contest which is expected to get started at 8:00 pm sharp and there will not be an admission fee to the event. The last staging of the Culturama Soca Monarch Contest was in 2002 and Chris Ras Browne of the Wild Fire Band walked away with the winning prize after defeating back to back Soca Monarch winner Carlisle Raba Maynard of the Kasanova Band.

The grand finals of the 2015 Culturama Soca Monarch contest will be held at the Culturama Village on Friday July 31st at 8:00 pm. The six times back to back Road March Champions of St. Thomas, Spectrum Band featuring lead singer Lorna Freeman will be the guest performer at the event.

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