Nevis Government committed to environment protection, says Premier Amory

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (FEBRUARY 04, 20140 — The Nevis Island Administration (NIA) remains committed to the protection of the environment. The assurance came from Premier of Nevis Hon. Vance Amory, on February 02, 2014, when he delivered an address to mark History and Heritage Month celebrated in February since 2006.

One of Nevis’ popular Heritage Trails at New River-Coconut Walk Estates

The observance is a partnership between the Nevis Historical and Conservation Society (NHCS) and the Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park Society. This year’s theme is “Conserving our Environmental Heritage: with a special emphasis on Plants.”

“My Government remains committed and will continue to vigilantly protect our Environment our wildlife and our forestry. My Administration will continue to diligently enforce the National Conservation Environmental Protection Act (NCEPA) of 1987 and we will ensure that our builders and developers, adhere to the guidelines found within the Nevis Planning and Development Control Ordinance of 2003,” he said.

Mr. Amory noted that it was no secret that tourism was a corner stone of Nevis’ economy when one considered its rich culture, heritage and environment.

“Tourism has proven to be one of the primary engines of growth for our economy. We have a rich culture. Our island is replete with historical sites and museums which have all helped to diversify our tourism product.

“These attractions, along with our well-managed environment, have created a marketing tool for us to compete in what has been coined the fastest growing form of Tourism – Heritage Tourism. This form of Tourism appeals to those persons who want to experience the places and attractions that authentically represent the story of our people of the past and present, their culture and their heritage,” he said.

It was for that reason, the Premier stated, that Heritage Tourism was seen as having a positive economic and social impact which would do a world of good for the island’s economy.

“It establishes and reinforces the identity of our island home; it helps to preserve our Cultural Heritage and to emphasize the importance of our history. These benefits, however, can only be had if we prove to be responsible custodians of our Environment.

: Some of Nevis’ exquisite flora and fauna: a view of the island’s pristine environment from the Four Seasons Resort

“This nexus between Tourism and the Environment can only produce dividends if we manage our Environment in a sustainable manner. It means we must protect our plants: our flora and our fauna and use them to good effect,” he said.

Premier Amory regarded the theme for the observance as timely and impressed on its importance to the environment on Nevis, its history, culture and heritage.

“The theme for this year’s celebrations … is both timely and relevant. The Environment is our most important resource for life. It allows plants to continue to grow and develop. These plants regulate temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide levels and provide oxygen.

“The Environment also allows for future generation of humans to grow and live in a meaningful way. In preserving our environment, we are in effect preserving ourselves. Regardless of our race, creed or colour, we all breathe the same air and drink the same water. We walk on the same ground and experience the same sunshine and moonlight. We are in effect a part of something bigger than ourselves; we are a part of the environment,” he said and added that Plants played a pivotal role in the environment on Nevis which was the envy of many.

Mr. Amory thanked the NHCS and the Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park Society on behalf of the Government and People of Nevis for their hard work and dedication in the preservation of the island’s culture, history and heritage and above all for their efforts to emphasise the importance of plants and their environment to the preservation of the culture, history and heritage.

He also expressed hope that the month-long calendar of activities would prove fruitful and rewarding

“I wish that this month of activities will prove fruitful and rewarding and that our people will have a greater appreciation of the importance of plants and as it is often said, let us protect what we have so that we can live fruitful and healthy lives in the future. And may God continue to bless us all but also to give us the wisdom and the leadership in protecting our fragile environment,” he said.

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