Nevisian legislator tells new Cuban graduates to strive for peace and friendship

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, SEPTEMBER 12TH 2013 (CUOPM) – The latest group of graduates from Cuban state universities have been advised to strive for peace through consensus building and friendship.

That advice has come from Nevisian Island Assembly legislator, the Hon. Robelto when he delivered the feature address at the Ninth Annual Graduation Ceremony for nine graduates.

“You must see yourself as a nation builder, someone with passion to create a greater nation, someone with a zeal to improve your community, someone who seeks to help those in need and above all strive for peace through consensus building and friendship,” said Mr. Hector, who added that although he does not know where life will take each graduate” the sum of all your educational experience is greater than you can imagine.”

“You are blessed with talent and gifted with opportunity, and so I ask you this question: What will you do with that gift? You may say “I am just one person, what can I give? What can I do to make a difference?”
My response to you is, we can all do something, and we can all make a difference,” said Mr. Hector, the former Minister of Agriculture, Lands, Housing, Public Works and Fisheries.

Celebrating under the theme the theme: “Charting the Way through Education for a Better Nation,” Mr. Hector said the achievements of the graduates are one of commendable achievement, signals friendship and cooperation.

“Achievement in that some of our citizens that have toiled and made the great sacrifices that are often associated with higher education are proud recipients of certificates of merit,” said Mr. Hector.

He pointed out that education is just one of the key elements that assist nation building.

“The pundits and scholars that comment on this diversified process recognize other factors such as, time, shared experiences, economic and social development. Recognition is even given to what is described as the collective will, that will, which is necessary to define and build a stronger, richer and just society,” said Mr. Hector, who noted that regardless of the definition and outcome of the process “we ought to use education to confront the challenges that can possibly reverse or slow down and in some cases erode the gains of nation building.”

Mr. Hector also pointed out that as a developing nation, “ we must at all times through education seek to prevent our promising future leaders from succumbing to negative influences such as narcotics, unwitting peer pressure, and weak family and social structures.”

He said all must not be left to the Government and departments of education and is of the strong view that as a student organization, the Cuban Alumni Association “can help address some of the challenges through your social action programme as you expound the message of education and nation building.”

“It would be a very good gesture if following this ceremony your executive can perhaps identify a few key projects to help to address some of the social ills in our society that work against the productive task of nation building. As an association there is certainly a role for you,” said Mr. Hector.

He commended the Federal Government, under the able leadership of the Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas “for the fore sight and forward thinking applied in seeing our nation’s education as an investment. An investment in education thus is an investment in the nation itself.”

He told the graduates that they are a part of this investment.

“You are at the stage in your personal development where you possess specific skill in the areas of critical thinking, communication and problem solving. As you give service to your fellowmen you are indeed aiding in the process of charting the way through education.”

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