NIP says latest MONC is of no consequence

NIP Press Release

Labels Chamber Press Release as ill-advised

BASSETERRE, St. Kitts (15/07/2014): Mr. Glenroy Blanchette, leader of the National Integrity Party (NIP), has challenged the latest press statement issued by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce describing the press release as “ill-advised”.

“We (NIP) believe that the latest press statement issued by the Chamber is ill-advised. We also question its timing because the Chamber knows that a general election is constitutionally due in six months, hence the MONC is of no or very little consequence,” stated Blanchette.

“Additionally, we in the NIP do not share the view of the Chamber that our National Assembly ‘continues to be operated in an undemocratic manner.’” We believe that the National Assembly is properly constituted and operates according to long established democratic traditions. That is why we continue to criticize those parliamentarians who refuse to attend parliament to do the people’s business; not just show up to mark their names then leave in order to collect a salary,” said Mr. Blanchette.

“It is for these reasons and more why the NIP has put constitutional reform high on its campaign agenda. We believe that our Constitution needs to be amended to make it more responsive and relevant to the needs of our people,” the NIP leader stated.

Mr. Blanchette also added that he believes that the Chamber , even though it exists to serve the interests of its members, can do more than just dabble in partisan politics.

“We would love to see the Chamber suggest and support legislation that would help to eradicate the appearance or perception of corruption not only in government but in the private sector as well,” said Mr. Blanchette.

The NIP has in the past stated its position on the Motion of No Confidence that was filed by some opposition parliamentarians. The NIP is of the firm belief that MONC’s should be debated expeditiously but has also pointed out that the absence of an exact time for the debating of MONC’s in our constitution has allowed succeeding governments to delay the process.

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