Older Persons Month Commences With Church Service

By:Curtis Morton

Charlestown–Nevis-The annual observance of older persons’ month, on Nevis, commenced in sober yet celebratory fashion, as the seniors on Nevis, united in worship session at the Bethel Apostolic Church, at Pinney’s Road.

The event was held on Sunday 1st October and significantly marked the first in a series of events that will be featured during the month of October, as the seniors on the island, take center stage.

Pastor Simeon Prentice, warmly welcomed the seniors and the accompanying official contingent, which included Minster of Social Development, Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams; Miss D. Michelle Liburd- Asst. Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Social Development; Miss Joyce Moven-Deputy director at the Social Services department and Miss Garcia Hendrickson, Coordinator at the Seniors’ division.

The seniors featured in the early part of the service, rendering two lively hymns, which were both well received.

The scripture reading was done by Ms. Annie Brandy and a poem entitled ‘God is working his purpose out,’ was beautifully rendered by Ms. Herbert.

Brief remarks were delivered by Minister Brandy-Williams, who thanked the Pastor and his members, for so ably accommodating the seniors on the significant day.

She also took time out to thank the many caregivers across the island, who help to look out for the seniors, as she acknowledged that such work took tremendous time and sacrifice.

She not only saluted those who are employed by the government, but had warm words of commendation, for those family members who care for their elderly at home.

She invited the church members and the general public to ensure that they stay up to date with the many activities that will feature the seniors, during the month and invited them to participate as much as possible.

The church members also had a bit of a surprise of their own, as the youths of the church treated the seniors to two special items of music and a poem.

The seniors showed their appreciation by applauding loudly.

The sermon of the day was delivered by Pastor Simeon Prentice and at the end of the service, the seniors and other congregants, were treated to a sumptuous luncheon.

Other activities scheduled for the month are as follows:

October- 2nd; 9th; 16th;  23rd  and 30th –Morning devotions on VON radio

Tuesday 3rd October-Let’s talk on VON radio-8-10 pm.

Wednesday 4th October-Blood testing day at the Memorial Square in collaboration with the Ministry of Health-8 am to 12.00 noon.

Friday 6th October-March for seniors—9 am to 1 pm-From the Wesleyan Holiness Church in Charlestown to the ET Willett Park.

Wednesday 11th October-To the homes with love-9 am to 12.00 noon-Special visits will be paid to the homes of some seniors.

Tuesday 17th October- celebration of centenarians-at the Flambuoyant home-10 am to 12.00 noon.

Thursday 19th October-Scenic railway ride and island tour of St.Kitts.

Friday 27th October-presentation to shut-ins-commencing at 9 am.

Saturday 28th October-5.30 to 9.00 pm-at the Nevis Cultural Complex-Miss Nevis Seniors’ pageant.

Tuesday 31st October-Seniors’ gala and awards ceremony-at the Occasions-5-9 pm.

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