Oualie Beach Resort HA Certified: Lauds Industry Partners.

The Management and staff of the Oualie Beach resort were joined by top tourism officials including Federal Minister of Tourism Hon. Lindsay Grant and a high level contingent of industry partners including the Organisation of American States (OAS) representative to St.Kitts Nevis, His Excellency Terrence Craig to celebrate the recent accreditation attained by the tourism plant. Policy and Regulations Officer John Hanley who heads the Hospitality Assured team guided the proceedings of a congratulatory ceremony held on Thursday March 12, 2015 at the Oualie Beach Resort, where a beaming general manager Faith Bertie outlined the Hospitality Assured journey.
“It was a journey indeed, it was a lot of work, a lot of hours, a lot of dedication in terms of getting the work done but through it all we did it and I’m proud to stand here and say that the Oualie Beach Resort has been Hospitality Assured Certified.
“I am proud of myself and the other members of staff and I am glad that we did it and I’m proud to say that we are happy to reach the end of the journey.”

General Manager Bertie also spoke to the challenges encountered and lessons learned underscoring the importance of communication and customer service. She went on to list a myriad of benefits derived from the Hospitality Assured journey and lauded the contribution of those whose dedication and focus on execution was key to their success.
“We pledge that we will continue to give excellent service here at Oualie Beach Resort … and I’m also congratulating publicly the Nelson Spring Beach Resort and Nisbet as we three properties on the island need to show the others that we can do it, we in Nevis can do it and we are going to do it.

“A big thank you to Vanessa Webbe, Amelia Chiverton and John Hanley for having worked assiduously with us ensuring that we continue on our journey because there were times we thought of giving up and John encouraged us. I say thank you to you and your team for all your help and to the OAS, thank you for the part sponsorship and consideration.”

OAS representative to St. Kitts Nevis Terrence Craig

OAS Representative Terrance Craig was among those congratulating the management and staff. He encouraged them to be on the ball and be ready for recertification in 2017. He said his organization had partnered with the venture because of its interest in contributing to the development of the Federation’s tourism product.
“Let’s make it a product of both islands. Not a Nevis and a St.Kitts, but rather, a St. Kitts and Nevis. For the continuation of our assistance here on St Kitts and Nevis I would also like to take this opportunity to assure the government of St. Kitts and Nevis and the business society that we will continue to lend our support and we look forward to new initiatives. Thank you very much and I wish you well.”

Federal Minister of Tourism Hon. Lindsay Grant

Federal Minister of Tourism, the Hon Lindsay Grant delivered brief remarks and heralded the fact that in this business tourism, customer service is key in the industry. He applauded the Oualie Beach Resort for taking up the challenge to become certified.
“I have been here at Oualie so many times. I am particularly happy that it is a local institution and that you have attained the level of excellence that has gained you this award and certification, so it’s kudos to Oualie Beach and its management.”
“Customer service is evolving and it’s not only the pleasure that you have received certification, but I admonish you that the challenge now is even greater to ensure that not only do you keep the certification but that your employees etc, continue whatever training there is available to make sure that this hotel is on the cutting edge.”
The Oualie Beach Resort has adopted a unique customer service promise; “Gingerbread style cottages, tasty Nevisian and international cuisine; consistently excellent, friendly, and efficient service.”
Hospitality Assured is an industry standard that promotes and rewards the highest levels of business and service excellence for organisations in the hospitality industry.

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