Charlestown-Nevis- Two more Primary school students are beneficiaries of the annual scholarship program that is offered by the Single Parents group, which operates under the guidance of the Department of Social Services.

A brief but significant ceremony was held on Wednesday 31st August, at the Department, which was chaired by the coordinator of the program, Mrs. Grace Manners.

Mrs. Manner in her introductory remarks reminded her hearers that the single parents’ group features single parents who have established a bond in assisting each other and persons in need within the community. She stated that the group meets monthly and has quarterly open discussions on real life issues, which are normally recorded for airing on local television.

The group which currently comprises of only ladies, also get involved in skills training exercises and recently completed a sewing class.

Miss Verline Pemberton then presented one of the awards to Lionel Bramble of the Ivor Walters Primary School and Ms. Michelle Freeman-Burke presented a similar award to Kiana Phillip of the VOJN Primary school.

It was pointed out that the packages contained: Books; a lunch bag; a school bag and school uniforms.

Miss Pemberton stated that the funds used to purchase the necessary items for the children, came through the group’s efforts in fund raising and urged the general public to continue to support such efforts.

Mrs. Manners reiterated the necessity for the public’s support and thanked them for their genourosity thus far.

The representative parents of the two children, echoed their thanks to the single parents group for their timely and well needed assistance.

The members of the group present, wished the children well in their academic pursuits and other aspects of their school life.

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