The way I see it

The way I see it, it is nice to be honoured sometimes and made to feel like a BIGMITARY (my father’s word), sometimes, but there is something even higher and better that we need to aspire towards.

Case in point: It was just Monday of this week, I went into the Gingerland Best Buy Supermarket and among the many shoppers there, was a little Primary school girl and her Mom.

As soon as I greeted the mother, the little girl’s eyes lit up and she said ‘Vance Amory! I saw you on TV.’

I was rather taken aback by the salutation but an impish part of me, caused me to respond: ‘No, one of us better looking.’

Well I newa!

The poor mom now was left to explain to the little girl that it was a case of mistaken identity. Sorry to say, I missed a ‘teachable moment,’ because I should have used the opportunity to teach that little girl that when referring to authority figures, you don’t refer to them by just their name.

If I am correct, she would have been making reference to Premier Vance Amory, who she would have seen on TV many more times than she would have seen me and in spite of whatever feelings or differences in opinions, children should be taught to say things like: Premier Vance Amory; Hon. Joseph Parry; Hon. Mark Brantley; Mr. Hensley Daniel etc.

I am so sorry I missed that moment to teach something.

However, I was caught up in my motivation to be CHEEKY. Of course one of us is better looking but I know my place. I have heard many persons refer to Premier Vance Amory as ‘good looking.’ The closest I have gotten to that is ‘you aint look too bad yourself’ and I know there is a huge difference between the two. So, you know who would get the popular vote.

By the way, I have a friend who once told me that one day while he was in St.Kitts, a fella met him by the pier and greeted him as ‘Premier Amory’ and told him he will buy him some drinks. Well unlike me, my friend played the game and took as many drinks as the guy gave him.

Well I newa!

Later in the week, on Wednesday to be exact, I made it a point of duty, to be in St.Kitts for the honouring of Elquemedo Tonito Willet, as Governor General, Sir Tapley Seaton, bestowed upon him, the honour of MBE (Member of the most excellent order of the British Empire).

As Willet’s profile was read and then he walked purposefully up to the front, to receive his prestigious insignia, I felt goose bumps.

It was a proud moment for me. Here I was watching a man, who I had followed as a youth, as he weaved his ‘magic’ on the then Grove Park track and left some of the finest batsmen that the world has ever seen, bewildered and befuddled.

As he walked back smiling, I could not prevent my imagination from running wild, as in my mind’s eye, I fast forwarded to another ceremony, sometime in the future, when I may be privileged to be present, when the Governor General or some other important figure, may well say: “Rise Sir Elquemedo!’

You know that has a nice ring to it? Even sounds nicer that ‘Sir Curtly’ and ‘Sir Viv,’ no disrespect to two of my other sporting heroes.

But isn’t it strange that Willet opened the door for all of these other greats to follow and most of the Antiguans especially, have been knighted and Willet is yet to be bestowed with such an honour?

I was so overwhelmed by the moment that I later asked Mr. Willet if he could allow me to touch the insignia, as that may be the closest I would get to one.

However, as I travelled across the Narrows, via the MV Caribe Surf, the cold, stark reality struck me:

There is more to life than receiving earthly awards and this is not crying sour grapes, mark you.

More significantly, there is a heavenly reward awaiting all of us who deliberately decide to give our hearts to God and conscientiously decide to serve him.

One day, he will place a crown on the head of each person, who is faithful to him and that will be the biggest awards (rewards) ceremony, ever held.

And so with all of my faults and shortcomings, I intend by God’s grace, to be at that particular awards ceremony and Dear Reader I want to see you there too, receiving yours as well.

That’s the way I see it. How do you see it?

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