The Way I See It

By;Curtis Morton
The way I see it, I am not an ORPHAN.
When a friend of mine learnt of the death of my Dad earlier this year, she said: ‘Welcome to the club of adult orphans!
We had a laugh about it but she was of course making reference to the fact that her mother and father were dead and mine were dead also.
However, it caused me to do a little research on the word ORPHAN and based on the definition, I am convinced that I am NOT an ORPHAN.
The definition says: ‘A child whose parents are dead.’
Okay, so both of my parents are now dead but hey, I am not a child—far from it.
What did the scripture say again?

‘When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. ‘
1 Corinthians 13:11
So, part is correct and the other part is not, so that makes the entire thing incorrect, right?
So, in my estimation, real ORPHANS are CHILDREN who lose their parents.
If it hurts so much losing both parents when you are older, imagine the hurt when you lose both parents when you are so young!
Such persons did not have the joy of a mother teaching them to read and write. They did not have the privilege of a father teaching them to ride a bike and to swim.
Wow! I can hardly fathom that!
And yes, they may not also have had the guidance from the dreaded ‘rod of correction,’ that was always readily applied in its various forms: From a broad belt; a ruler; an open palm; a huge ‘tump’…the older folks would know what I am talking about. The younger folks won’t have a clue.

And so maybe I am FATHERLESS AND MOTHERLESS but I sure aint no ORPHAN.
Well I newa!
I thank God for the time he loaned me with my mother and father and as we had to deal with my Dad’s funeral this year, I really appreciated the fact that I was able to help in his care when he was incapacitated.
May God help those of you who still have mothers and fathers, to treasure the time you still have with them.
That’s the way I see it. How do you see it?

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