The Way I See It

The way I see it, a GRADUATION can be an expensive venture.

So, we are in that period of graduations-endless graduations. Graduations for preschools; graduations for Primary schools and graduations for secondary schools still to come.

I was at Market Shop on Wednesday afternoon, when a construction worker expounded on the topic of GRADUATIONS.

He seemed like an expert on the topic and I listened intently. (By the way dear reader, I have learnt that in order to learn well, you must be a good LISTENER).

He stated that graduations were expensive and he started to enumerate the possible cost factors, which include but are not limited to:

  • Rental of graduation gowns
  • Donation of at least $100.00 to the school
  • Gifts for children
  • Gifts for teachers
  • Brand new dresses for parents and students
  • Glamorous hair styles for parents and students
  • New shoes
  • New bags
  • Donation/cost for the dinner or after party

Now, if that was not enough, he continued. Parents may have one child in preschool and another at Primary school who are graduating the same year and add to that, another possibility that they may have an older child who may graduate from secondary school, later in the year.

Well I newa!

I wonder if the children know the anguish that some of the parents go through and the sacrifices that they make on their behalf.

First of all, it is the parent who is most stressed over the revelations of the results from the test of standards.

In this competitive world, they always want to know that their child ‘did better’ than somebody else’s child.

If the child does well it is featured on Facebook and other forms of social media. If the child does badly, some parents give them a good ‘cussing’ and may even put other punitive measures in place.

Small wonder, some of the children look so serious in their graduation pictures, because they have been placed under immense pressure.

Then there are the underlying threats that ‘you better show an immediate improvement in high school—or else…’

What constantly amazes me, is the innocent look on the faces of those children that are graduating-be it preschool or primary school. They all look so pure and INNOCENT.

Literally HARMLESS.

Yet, I have to face the sobering reality that out of each bunch of Graduants, some will become Doctors; Lawyers; Teachers; Nurses; Sports editors; construction workers; Garbage collectors —and the list goes on. However, the sad reality is, that there is also a huge possibility that one or two of them will become the next robber; murderer or lifetime criminal.

So, where do we go wrong as a society, between this ‘innocent age’ and the more matured, self-willed child?

I listened to Miss Earlene Maynard, as she gave a sterling address to the parents of the 2018 Inez France Pre School’s graduating class.

She spoke of a real life incident, when she came in contact with a little boy, who was holding an expensive looking phone. ‘’One that I can’t afford,’ she added.

She asked the youngster what he was doing with such an expensive phone and he responded: “Daddy bought it for me. Daddy gives me everything I want. Don’t you know I am a spoilt child?’

‘Does your daddy visit the school to check up on you, with your teacher?’ she queried.

‘No, mommy does that,’ he responded.

‘Does your mommy love you?’ asked Miss Maynard.

The boy passed noticeably, then responded: ‘Mommy can’t afford to buy the things for me like my daddy can,’ he said bluntly.

Now, children need support systems in their lives and part of those support systems is the FELT presence of the parents—BOTH PARENTS!

The child should be provided with all of his/her NEEDS and should not be given everything that he/she asks for.

He/she must be taught from right early, that ‘money does not grow on trees’ and therefore must be earned honestly and spent wisely and with due caution.

They must also be taught to tithe from their income-no matter how small the allowance, or amounts given by parents, god-fathers or god mothers.

The children must also be TAKEN to church—not merely SENT.


It is my firm view that if most of these principles or basic rules of thumb are adhered to, we will have a more loving and caring community; the crime rate will take a significant nose dive and we will live –‘happily ever after.’


No, not quite, because that will never happen until Jesus makes his second appearance.

So, until then, we need to live exemplary lives according to his will, his principles and his way.

Then we will have a more God faring society and our children will grow up in the nurture, fear and admonition of the Lord.

That’s the way I see it. How do you see it?

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