VOJN Hosts Heritage in Focus

Combermere-Nevis- On Friday 8th February, the VOJN Primary School hosted an elaborate emphasis on Black history and heritage, as part of the activities for Black history month (February), 2019.
The activities were held in two parts:
Firstly, the children were taken on an excursion to the historic site of Cottle’s church, where Headmistress Mrs. Shae Wilkin, explained that the intention was for the children to commune in the natural environment and learn of their rich history, so that it could be passed on to generations to come.
Here, the children were enthralled by presentations by Mr. Delroy RAS IROY Pinney and Mr. Shefton Liburd, Education officer.
The afternoon’s session was conducted at the VOJN Primary school’s grounds and entailed story telling by Mr. Harvey Hendrickson, Christine Smith and Mrs. Doras and ring games by Mrs. Doras and Mrs. Garcia Hendrickson.
These focused on local historical events, and school days from way back when.
There were also presentations by Mr. Shefton Liburd form his ‘good old day’s package and presentations by the Nevis Cultural Foundation’s representatives.
It was obvious that the teachers and students were highly educated and entertained throughout the day.

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