Annual Eddy Caines Football Camp Upcoming

Emmanuel “EDDY” Caines has announced that his annual football camp will take place from July 15th to July 26th this year at the Nevis Athletic Stadium.

This year, EDDY will collaborate with the Department of Sports to host the program. Unlike in previous years, when both EDDY and the Department hosted similar camps at the same time, causing issues with attendance and event recording, this year there will be no such conflicts.

EDDY anticipates that at least 65 children will attend, and the usual sponsors are expected to support the camp. Snacks and water will be provided to the children, and the Department of Sports will fully participate, with their coaches assisting EDDY in teaching the youngsters the basics of football. This serves as preparation for their annual Primary School Football competition.

The registration fee is only $50.00 EC.

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