Danielle Connor of the Nevis Aquatic and Sailing Center, on Wednesday, appealed to members of the general public to register and be a part of the AQUA –FIT –Nevis, exercise program, set to commence at Oualie Beach.

She noted that sessions will be hosted and coordinated by Ms. Annette Lewis and will only cost the participants $10.00 to register.
Sessions commence this coming Saturday-2nd December and will run from 25 minutes to an hour.
Annette Lewis gave a fuller explanation about what the Aqua Fit Nevis is about:
“Aquafit Nevis is a fun and energetic 45-minute workout in the ocean with a focus on cardio, core conditioning, strength and stretch exercises using aqua noodles and dumbbells. Dress comfortably in swimwear or exercise attire. Footwear is optional.”