Come Forward! Young People of Good Character

Basseterre, St Kitts, October 17, 2013. It has been over 20 years since the infusion of new talent into a political party has created so much excitement for a party and a Nation and for the opposition, sleepless nights, as the announcements of the Labour Party’s new candidates.

Dr Vance Gilbert
Dr Vance Gilbert, SKNLP Candidate Constituency #7

The last time candidate announcements created so much talk was the arrival on the political landscape of our current Prime Minister the Right Honourable Dr Denzil L. Douglas in 1989 and the Deputy Prime Minister, the Honourable Dr Asim Martin in 1993 when they answered the call to serve our people as candidates for the St Kitts Nevis Labour Party.

Young men of good character, intellect and a commitment to service have again answered the call in 2013 in Dr Vance Gilbert in Constituency 7, Dr Terrence Drew in Constituency 8 and Mr. Konris Maynard in Constituency 3. However, hot on the heels of their announcements, were innuendoes and aspersions from opposition operatives questioning why these EXCEPTIONALLY TALENTED YOUNG MEN, OUR NATIONS BEST, would want to step to wicket and SERVE the people in our beloved St Kitts and Nevis.

Political maneuvering is one thing, but when operatives begin to question the integrity of Good Men, question the willingness for service by Good Men, it sends the wrong message to our young people. It clearly shows that some among us are clearly for self, and only self, and if any of you (young people) should step into any arena to aid in the forward movement of our beloved country, it must be for personal gain. I say to you that if you have the desire for service, continue to come forward, but prepare yourself for the ridicule and innuendoes as leveled against these able young men. However, be not dismayed by the actions of these operatives, our populace can filter the noise, can see between the clutter and make intelligent conclusions, conclusions like seeing the stones thrown against these young men as nothing more than straw grabbing by opposition operatives.

Dr Terrence Drew, SKNLP Candidate Constituency #8
Dr Terrence Drew, SKNLP Candidate Constituency #8

The opposition has seen the power of the present and strength of future in this batch of candidates and it’s like seeing jumbies. It scares them. I say to them, (the opposition) you have gotten your wish; a new group has joined the team in service to our Nation. Labour has depth and it is very evident and there are more talented young men and women standing in the gap. None of the current “8” wants it now. They will wait their turn, serve with honour and join the ranks of those who have honourably served before.

Welcome, Young men of Good Character, Intellect and a Commitment to Service, continue to remember, Service First, Integrity Always and LABOUR FOREVER.

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