Community Notice from the Premier’s Ministry

NIA CHARLESTOWN, NEVIS (MAY 20 2015)-The Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Dehli, is sponsoring its 2015 -16 Civilian Training Programme through its Indian Technical and Economic Corporation and wishes to inform of the availability of scholarships to pursue studies in a wide array of subject areas, be it long term or short term.

Some of the subject areas include:
· Accounting, Finance, and Audit Courses
· Telecommunications and English
· Technical Courses, etc.

The courses run between ten (10) days and two (2) years.

Applicants must be between the ages 25-45 and medically fit.
The processing of new applications for the 2015 – 16 courses have been launched online at the website https://www.itecgoi/meaportal/registerApplicant.

The ITEC brochure for the year 2015 – 16 can be downloaded through as “Training Brochure 2015 – 16 under “Courses” head OR or

Interested persons are asked to call 469-5521 ext. 2265 for further information.

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