CPL Update regarding Arrivals into St Kitts & Nevis

The majority of the Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) cohort have arrived in St Kitts & Nevis ahead of the tournament which gets underway on 26 August 2021.

255 travelers have arrived and entered the tournament bubble and following a rigorous testing process, there have been two cases of COVID-19 detected. A comprehensive contact tracing process has taken place along with additional testing and no further cases have been identified.

The two individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 are isolating as per the comprehensive protocols that have been put together by the tournament organising committee, Hero CPL’s medical advisors and the health authorities in St Kitts & Nevis.

Michael Hall, Hero CPL’s Tournament Operations Director, said: “The two positive cases were identified quickly following on arrival testing and were flagged with Hero CPL while in-room quarantine was still taking place for those individuals. The tournament bubble remains intact and there has been no exposure to the wider public in the Federation. We are looking forward to getting the cricket underway on the 26 August.”

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