Football : CPS and VOJN Draw in Exciting Contest

The action in the Primary Schools’ Football competition, resumed at the ET Willet Park, on Wednesday 25th October.

In game one, defending champions Charlestown Primary, had their first outing versus the VOJN team.

It was a hard-fought game, with CPS looking more aggressive at the top, but with VOJN defending stoutly.

For a fleeting moment, CPS celebrated, as the back of the net was struck, but only to be ruled off-side.

Zaniel France VOJN

Later, VOJN pounded one home and the joy was obvious for their supporters.

Late in the game, Charlestown Primary had their turn to celebrate, as they too struck the back of the net.

At the final whistle, the score was 1 goal-all

Player of the match France of VOJN

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