Golf Association of Ontario Partners With Government to Promote St. Kitts and Nevis As a Golfing Destination‏

Basseterre, St. Kitts, December 21, 2015 (SKNIS): The Government of National Unity is following through with plans to promote St. Kitts and Nevis as a golf destination as was seen in the recent partnership between the government and the Golf Association of Ontario.
Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris, said that as a result of this collaboration, the Federation recently hosted the St. Kitts Two Ball Shootout where teams of two competed in a 54-hole gross and net better ball competition at the Royal St. Kitts Golf Club. He added that it is anticipated that in May 2016 the country will host the LINKS Magazine St. Kitts Couples Invitational, which is a new event on the roster of golfing events.
Minister of Tourism, Honourable Lindsay Grant, said that his ministry saw the need to tap into this niche market as there are 2.3 million golfers in the Canadian region who spend overseas over $11 billion at golf tourism destinations.
A team of tourism officials was also led to London, England, to scout out golfers which resulted in another partnership with the Barmy Army Golf. The government has signed a three year contract with them which will increase the number of tourists traveling to St. Kitts and Nevis.
It has been agreed in the contract that in November of 2016 St. Kitts will host a golfing tournament.


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