J.Sonia Edwards-Giving Back To Her St. Kitts-Nevis Community

Basseterre-St.Kitts--J. Sonia Edwards, PHR is the founder of The Human Resource Solution that helps HR people operating in Caribbean organization become more effective business partners. She is a national of St. Kitts and Nevis and has impacted organizations in the Caribbean, Latin America and the United States throughout her career.

Sonia started working in HR while living in St. Kitts and Nevis. When she wanted to transition from teaching high school, she grabbed the opportunity to transfer many of the skills she had used in her career as an educator. Skills such as coaching new teachers, consulting with parents and serving on the management team. She was fortunate to land an HR position, though she did not have formal training in human resource management. She worked hard and learned quickly. She sought out others with more experience to mentor her and she also pursued graduate studies in HR Management and complete the Professional in Human Resource certification. She served as HR manager and then Senior Manager Human Resources at the St. Christopher & Nevis Social Security Board over a period of ten years.

When family responsibilities took her to the United State 7 years ago she sought opportunities to experience HR management in a different economic and political setting and to further her professional training, gaining another graduate degree with concentration in Human Resource Development.

Her vision to help other HR Professionals make a greater impact in their organizations has led her to return to St. Kitts and Nevis once each year to share her expertise and guidance with people in the workplace.

She also extends this support on line. Last July, in collaboration with a few local HR Professionals, she spearheaded a mini HR Summit and gained support from companies such as Kajola Kristada, TDC, Social Security and Quintessence Consulting as well as Broward Human Resource Association in Florida, to successfully execute.

Her vison for the enhancement of HR practice in the Federation is to see the establishment of a formal HR Professional Association and for the Caribbean on a whole. a unified Caribbean Society of Human Resource Management that would help to shape standards for HR Management that are more relevant for the region.

J Sonia Edwards will be in St. Kitts and Nevis again in from May 9 – 18 to once again make her contribution continuous development of the human capital of St. Kitts and Nevis. To learn more about Ms. Edwards and the upcoming activities go to www.thehumanresourcesolution.com.


Learn more about her mission to raise the bar of HR practice in the Caribbean at www.thehumanresourcesolution.com and keep up with her on social at www.facebook.com/theHRsolution

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