Charlestown-Nevis- When Seniors’ Director on St. Kitts, Ms. Anne Wigley, made mention that one of her seniors from St. Kitts who had participated in the seniors march in Nevis, on Friday 5th October, was actually 85 years old, that gave Deputy Director at the Social Services Department, on Nevis, Miss Joyce Moven, the inspiration to call to the front, all of the seniors present who were over 80 years of age.
A total of 18 seniors, including three males stepped forward.
They ranged from age 81 to 91 years of age.
One of the men, John Maynard of Hanley’s Road, actually did a couple of squats and got back up without any assistance and when Ms. Wigley attempted to do the same, she paused half way down clutching her back, much to the amusement of the gathering.
The huge crowd at the ET Willet Park, thoroughly enjoyed the brief highlighting of the older seniors.