Police Press Release
Basseterre, St. Kitts, March 28, 2017 (RSCNPF): Investigators from the Violent Crimes Unit (VCU) and Officers of Police Division “B”, are investigating a shooting incident in Newton Ground that occurred at about 9.20pm on Tuesday (March 28).
The incident resulted in the death of one person, a male resident of Newton Ground. Initial investigations reveal that the victim was shot by unknown assailant(s).
Police from the Sandy Point Police Station responded to the scene upon notification.
The scene was processed by the Forensics Services Unit.
The investigation continues.
Head of Division “B”, Superintendent Lionel Moore encourages persons who may have seen the incident to report what they saw to the Police. Persons can do so by calling any Police Station, by calling Crime Stoppers at 1-800-8477(TIPS) or by using the SKN Crime Reporter App on their Smartphone.
Superintendent Moore stressed, “If you See Something, Say Something.”