His Excellency The Governor-General, Sir S. W. Tapley Seaton, GCMG, CVO, QC, JP acting in accordance with the advice of the Honourable Vance Amory, the Minister designated under Section 66 (2) of the Constitution has extended GRACE and MERCY unto the following (5) persons and has ORDERED that the said persons be PARDONED and RELEASED from Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from 15th November, 2018.
Mr. RONALD BROWNE aged 54 who had been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 50 years, for the offence of murder. he has served 26 years.
Mr. MAURICE WEEKS aged 55 who had been serving at Queen’s Pleasure for the offence of Indecent Assault. He has served 26 years.
Mr. VAUGHAN SWEENEY aged 62 years and presently in the Cardin Home and had been serving at the Queen’s Pleasure for the offense of Store Breaking and Larceny and had served 38 years.
Mr. WENDELL WARDE age 60 who had been sentenced to Life Imprisonment for the Offence of Murder and has served 33 years.
Mr. MELVIN LEWIS aged 62 who had been sentenced to Imprisonment for 40 years for the Offence of Murder and has served 32 years.
The Superintendent of Prisons submitted reports in respect of these persons that would not be a threat to society and could benefit from a reprieve and be released from prison.
The condition has also been imposed that should there be any infraction of the Law that the person who breaks the Law and was granted reprieve would be again incarcerated to serve the rest of the time he had been originally sentenced.
His Excellency has also been advised by the Minister that the Committee will continue to work to ascertain if any other prisoners who have been recommended would be given reprieve using the same criteria set out above and will engage in ongoing discussions with the officers of her Majesty’s Prison and the Police.
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