St. Kitts and Nevis 4-Hers elected to serve on Caribbean Council Executive

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, NOVEMBER 21ST 2013 (CUOPM) – Two members of the St. Kitts and Nevis 4-Her Club have been elected to serve on the Executive of the Caribbean 4-H Council.

4-H - groupMr. Jamie Phillip and Ms. Sonia Boddie, who recently represented the local organization at the Caribbean 4-H Council meeting held in Barbados, on November 16th have both been elected to serve as Second Vice President and Public Relations Officer respectively.

“I am surprised and overwhelmed that a toddler such as myself, (with just two and a half years in the St. Kitts- Nevis 4-H Organization) could not only represent my country as a Public Relations Officer, and make such a significant contribution to the meeting, that attendees could of nominated and elected me to serve in such a capacity,” said Phillip.

He added that he was grateful for the opportunity to serve and contribute positively to the growth and continued development of the youths in the Federation and in the Caribbean.

“I am filled with gratitude because my fellow Caribbean 4-Hers saw, evidently, that I have a love for volunteerism, and the ability to serve in the capacity for which I have been chosen. I must say that I will do all I possibly can to perform to the utmost best of my abilities, while I serve in both my national and regional posts,” Mr. Phillip said.

Ms. Boddie, who is a local 4-H member, said she is extremely humbled and delighted to have been elected to a post that not only to serve and represent St. Kitts and Nevis but also the wider Caribbean region.

“I will endeavour my very best to utilize my public relations skills and knowledge, to enhance the image of the Caribbean 4-H Council and also emphasize and highlight the significant role that the 4-H organization is playing in the development of young leaders in the region,” said Ms. Boddie.

“I therefore recommit my head, my heart, my hands and my health to ensuring that the various 4–H organizations across the region are able to expand their networks and reach more young people, so that they would be more adequately prepared not to only to lead, but also to face the challenges’ of tomorrow,” she added.

Ms. Boddie further stated that a major success for them leaving the meeting, was having the Executive agree to adopt a country each year to help strengthen its 4-H organization, and the first country that has now been adopted is St. Kitts and Nevis.

“We are extremely happy that we are the first country to be adopted, and we look forward to the additional support that is going to be given to us, to help us bring our 4-H organization up to the standards of other well established organizations in the region, which will also allow us to attract more young people to be a part of the organization to hone their skills, and get more volunteers onboard to aid in the advancement our nation’s children,” she added, hoping “that with the necessary technical assistance and guidance, we would be able to get more schools to come onboard and embrace the 4-H program, as an extracurricular activity for their students.”

The other elected representatives of the Caribbean 4-H Council are President, Senator Norman Grant of Jamaica; First Vice President, Mrs. Myrna Toney of St. Vincent and the Grenadines; General Secretary is Ms. Deloris Henry of Jamaica; Treasurer is Ms. Owereal Linton from Barbados and Assistant Treasurer/Secretary is Ms. Joan Beckles of Barbados.

Elected trustees are Mr. Wren Grey and Ms. Peggy Siroosingh, both of Trinidad and Tobago.

The 4-H Organization is a youth developmental organization that gives young people the opportunity to build confidence, learn responsibility, and develop skills through various projects, such as art and craft, dance, animal rearing, and science and technology.

The motto of 4-H is “To make the best better.”

Currently there are five 4-H groups on St. Kitts, in the villages of Molinueax, St. Pauls, St. Peters Parsons and Old Road. The organisation is looking to expand to more communities on St. Kitts, and to get Nevis onboard as well.

Persons desirous of becoming a member of 4-H or providing assistance to the organization, should contact the St. Kitts and Nevis 4-H President, Ms. Inita Lake at 660-9575.

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