The Way I See It
By: Curtis Morton
The way I see it, financial institutions need to put a system in place to better accommodate their clientele, especially when there are long lines involved in doing business.
What do I mean?
Most of the Banks and Credit unions in town are generally extremely busy on Mondays and Fridays and sometimes on Thursdays, when the Four Seasons workers cash their cheques.
When the lines are that long, you can empathize with the senior citizens who take a seat until their turn is near and then join the line.
However, the problem is that everybody is doing that now. So, young, old and in between, take the available seats and wait until it’s their turn and suddenly appear before persons who have been in line from start to finish.
Now unless something is done, it may cause serious chaos.
Just this week, I was at a certain financial institution and when I would have stayed in the long line and finally got to number three, about three persons just appeared and stated that they were there before me.
Well I newa!
Now am different so I had nothing to say. However, when someone else eased in front the man behind me, you don’t want to hear expletives!
He repeated expletives like they were going out of style. I mean, he finish the whole dictionary!
Later two other customers had a verbal toe to toe about who was there first—almost resulting in a fist fight.
Then somebody stated that just the week before, a woman came into the bank, waited for a few minutes at the back of the long line and then proceeded directly to the next available Teller. Those in line thought that she was one who was seated for a long time.
Well I newa!
So, the institutions need to put something in place that will create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, while persons are conducting business.
No, am not recommending the removal of the chairs, because especially the seniors will need to sit but younger persons without ailments should be encouraged to toe the line like everybody else.
I guess there is no easy solution but something needs to be done and right quickly.
That’s the way I see it. How do you see it?