Charlestown-Nevis-It would appear as if, the St. Thomas’ Parish is the pace to be right now.
If what Community Development Officers, Miss Denesia Smithen and Mrs. Lydia Thompson-Claxton are saying, is anything to go by, then that Parish is indeed the present action spot on the island.
They alluded to the recently concluded St. Thomas’ Fes’ which was a success, with such shows as the calypso show, quern show, gospel concert and fun day, being some of the highlights.
The Community Development officers are currently overseeing some community development programs which include:
- Conversational Spanish at the Barnes Ghaut Community Center on Tuesday’s, from 6 to 7.15 pm.
- Homework assistance program which is held at the Jessups Community Center on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, from right after school until and is open to students in Secondary and Primary schools. They are not only assisted with their homework but also receive a snack, complements of Center Manager, Ms Leander Cornelius and Mrs. Claxton. Mrs. Claxton noted that the general public can make donations towards the snacks, while Miss Smithen indicated that a similar program is starting in Cotton Ground as well.
- Dancercize-every Tuesday and Thursday at the Jessups Community Center.
- Poetry night –dubbed ‘Poetry in the Hamlet’ slated for 17th November at the Barnes Ghaut Community Center. All Poets are welcomed to perform and also models can come along as there will also be a modelling show as well.
- A social evening at the Cotton Ground community Center on October 26th. The general public is cordially invited.
- Christmas tree lighting ceremonies are also planned as follows: Cotton Ground 14th December; Jessups 12th December; Westbury 13th December and Barnes Ghaut is yet to be finalized.