Trikhalia’s Child Development Center Hosts Cross Country Event

On Friday, April 5th, the Trikhalia Child Development Center organized its annual cross-country event for the little ones. The event had several races, and the results for each race are listed below:

Race One:
1st Place: Amira (Blue House)
2nd Place: Aaliyah (Red House)
3rd Place: Tariji (Green House)

Race Two:
1st Place: Zhaiden Liburd (Green House)
2nd Place: Nikaija Jones (Green House)
3rd Place: Kjae Francis (Blue House)

Race Three:
1st Place: Jae’Dan Claxton (Red House)
2nd Place: E’vonjay Ritchen (Green House)
3rd Place: Messiah Swanston (Blue House)

Race Four:
1st Place: Chalani Nisbett (Red House)
2nd Place: K’Nhyla Anthony (Green House)
3rd Place: A’Laura Pemberton (Green House)

There was also a Parents’ Race, and the top three winners were:
1st Place: Tinari Chapman
2nd Place: Celine Clarke
3rd Place: Trisha Parris

Lastly, there was a Teachers’ Race.

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