Commonwealth and Blue Economy: Col/Beri Blue Economy MOOC

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and the Seychelles James Michel Blue Economy Research Institute (BERI) are offering a five-week MOOC course on the Blue Economy, starting this Sunday 29 October.

Kelly Hoareau has over 15 years of experience in environmental, sustainability and leadership roles, with first-hand experience working in Africa and with various small island developing states and coastal nations, across marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

Kelly is the former and founding Director of the James Michel Blue Economy Research Institute – University of Seychelles (BERI-UniSys) and a co-founder and management committee member of UniSey’s Island Biodiversity Conservation centre.

She is currently working full time on her PhD which explores the role that knowledge systems play in supporting a more sustainable blue economy.

CERTIFICATESCertificates of Participation will be awarded to participants who pass two quizzes with 70% or more and contribute to at least two forum discussions. Certificates of Completion will be awarded to those who meet the requirements for a Certificate of Participation as well as completing a final Position Statement.

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