By Erasmus Williams:
Basseterre, St. Kitts, August 15, 2018 – Customs Officer Larry Vaughan, who was treated like a criminal and unceremoniously removed by the Office of the Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris and arrested by members of the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force on Tuesday has been charged.
Vaughan was charged with four offences: Persisting in remaining on the premises of the HM Customs office after being warned to depart, Obstruction, Resisting arrest and Battery on a police officer.
Mr. Vaughan reportedly received bail and was released from police custody Tuesday afternoon.
Police officers showed Tuesday morning shortly after a letter from the Human Resource Department of the Office of Prime Minister Harris, was delivered to Vaughan at his office at the Customs & Excise Department at Bird Rock.
A video showing how Vaughan was manhandled by the officers, one of whom pulled away his cell phone has been posted on social media.
There has been widespread condemnarion of the action taken by Dr. Harris’ office.
“Government is like a dictatorship, if you speak out about your ill-treatment by the Head Of Government (H.O.G) you get sent on administrative leave, with three police escort. Shame, shame, shame,” said local businessman A.U. Browne.
There has been widespread condemnation of the government’s action which has been likened to that of a totalitarian regime.