Police Press Release
Basseterre, St. Kitts, June 12, 2017 (RSCNPF): Residents in Police District “B” which covers the areas going westward from West Farms and ending in Lodge Village have noticed an increase in Police patrols and other ongoing Police Operations.
Head of the District, Police Superintendent Lionel Moore indicated that there is an increase in the tempo of the district with regards to ensuring citizen safety. Superintendent Moore said, “with the assistance of my Inspectors Travis Rogers and John Bergan the officers assigned to the District have been conducting an increasing number of citizen safety operations.”
“These operations include the execution of search warrants on properties suspected of being used for criminal enterprise, increased vehicular check points on primary and secondary roads in the district, searches of abandoned properties, lots and stop and searches, ” said the District Head.
Moore highlighted an example and said, “on Thursday, (June 8), our officers executed some sixteen(16) search warrants, we found and arrested five persons who were cultivating or had marijuana in their possession, we found a small amount of crack cocaine, and we uprooted almost six hundred (600) plants.” He went on to share, “we searched fourteen (14) abandoned houses, thirteen (13) lots and a number of derelict vehicles.” The District Commander continued, “we found and seized a pellet gun, one(1) round of .22mm ammunition, some camouflage clothing, and a motor scooter with an illegal license plate.”
“All of this was done in the space of the early morning hours, and we (District “B”) officers couldn’t have done it alone, so I must register my appreciation to the Special Services Unit(SSU), the Anti-Drug Unit, the St. Kitts Nevis Defence Force, the Police K-9 teams and the K-9 teams from Her Majesty’s Customs Service,” said Superintendent Moore. He then noted, “it is this inter-force and external collaboration that will yield results,” and said “everyday will not be a big haul day, but we will be vigilant, and keep up the heat.”
Thanking area residents for their understanding and support, Moore said, “I want to express our appreciation for the support and encouragement we have received from you the residents in our district; I know we do cause disruptions in your neighbourhoods; traffic diversions, causing dogs to bark late at night waking you up etc, during our searches, and we appreciate your understanding.” Moore then reminded the residents, “the ongoing searches are being done to ensure Citizen Safety.”