Friday 27th July saw the conclusion of the annual two weeks Football coaching camp, run by Eddy Richards and his team of hard working volunteers.
The closing ceremony was held at the St. Thomas’ Primary school, the established home of the camp.
The impressive ceremony commenced with prayer by Mrs. Janice Richards and featured several distinguished speakers.
Coach Richards noted that it was two weeks of fun and learning. The children were taught the basic skills of the game such as dribbling, controlling and passing.
He admonished them to continue to practise and to take their new found skills back to their schools when school reopens in September and share with their class mates, which will effectively make them leaders.
He stated that nothing would have been possible without the sponsors and he singled out the sponsors to loud applause by all present.
He stated that next year will be a significant one for the program, as it will move into its fifteenth year and he not only wanted to make it bigger and better but would also do something special for the sponsors.
Director of Sports, Jamir Claxton, extended apologies on behalf of Sports Minister, Hon. Eric Evelyn and stated that the program assisted him personally in his transition from player to coach. He invited loud applause for Mr. Richards, who has sacrificed much and stuck with the program throughout the years, despite the many hurdles along the way.
He too, took time out to applaud the sponsors for investing in the development of the young people and he also took time out to interact with the children in terms of what they would have learnt during the two weeks.
He pointed out that the program assisted in the holistic development of the children and would have taught them to be more disciplined and they would have formed new friendships as well.
Several of the sponsors got the opportunity to address the gathering and these included: The Bank of Nevis; The Development Bank of St. Kitts and Nevis; NEVLEC and the Nevis Cooperative Credit Union.
The vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs. Hazel David.
Prior to the ceremony, parents and sponsors present, were able to see the children demonstrate their newly acquired skills, on the field of play, in some brief friendly matches.
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