Flow Awards Ten Students with Annual Academic Scholarship

Basseterre: St. Kitts: Ten (10) students transitioning from primary into secondary education across the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis were beneficiaries of the 2023 FLOW High School Scholarship Programme.

The FLOW High School Scholarship Programme was presented under the theme “35 Years of Investing in Our Youths, Transforming Lives Forever” on Thursday, September 07 at the Solid Waste Management Corporation’s (SWMC) Conference Room.

Speaking in the stead of the Minister of Education, Hon Dr. Geoffrey Hanley, Chief Education Officer Mr. Francil Morris acknowledged and congratulated FLOW for its 35 years of assiduity and invaluable support as a corporate citizen to the academic advancement and promotion of education.

“For the past 35 years, your company has served as a beacon of hope, a catalyst for change, and a true champion, empowering our youth to achieve their goals. It is no secret that FLOW’s commitment to education mirrors that of the Ministry of Education, and together, we will continue to play an important role in shaping our country’s future,” remarked Mr. Morris.

Using the acronyms FLOW to inspire and motivate recipients to continue to strive for academic success, Mr. Morris said,
“Fuel for Aspiration: these scholarships are the fuel that will power your aspirations and dreams. They represent the faith that FLOW has in your ability to excel. Use this support as a driving force to propel you towards your goals and ambitions. ‘Lifelong Learning’: The ‘L’ reminds us of the importance of lifelong learning. Education is not a destination; it is a journey that continues throughout life. ‘Opportunities Abound’: ‘O’ represents the wealth of opportunities that these scholarships provide. They open doors to experiences, networks, and possibilities you may have never imagined. ‘Wise Stewardship’: ‘W’ signifies the importance of being wise stewards of the resources you are receiving. Recognize the responsibility that comes with this support. Use it wisely to invest in your education, but also consider how you can give back to your community and nation in the future.”
Ms. Lorraine Mitchell, Country Manager for FLOW St. Kitts and Nevis extended congratulations to the students for being recipients and advised them on making the most of the opportunity given.
“Be proud that you have been selected as an awardee. Challenge yourselves, grab hold of this golden opportunity and make the best of it. I encourage you to maintain a positive attitude towards not only learning but also towards struggle, because it is during times of difficulty that we often experience the greatest growth. Embrace this journey and all that comes with it. Your education will be the key to your success as you journey through life”.

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