Charlestown –Nevis-The 2018 edition of the annual LAW WEEK hosted by the St. Kitts and Nevis Bar Association, got on the way, on Sunday 28th October, with separate church services in St. Kitts and Nevis.
In Nevis, the legal fraternity worshipped at the Charlestown Methodist Church, to signal the start of the very important week of activities, while their counterparts in St. Kitts, worshipped at the Antioch Baptist Church. These were followed by fellowship lunches at Reviere House in Nevis and OTI in St. Kitts.
Monday October 29th saw the first round of the ‘advocates of tomorrow’ national debating competition which was held at the the Ministry of Agriculture auditorium, situated at La Guerite.
Today Tuesday 30th October, a mock trial is slated for the High court in Charlestown, while over in St. Kitts, a round table discussion is set to be hosted on ZIZ radio, commencing at 8 pm.
The topic under review is” Debtors jail and the enforcement of judgment debts: Time for the facts”
The learned panelists will be: Magistrate Renold Benjamin; Don Mitchell QC; Midge Morton and Victor Elliot-Hamilton.
Other events scheduled for the remainder of the week include:
Wednesday 31st October—‘Advocates of tomorrow’ National High Schools debating competition final round-Ministry of Agriculture auditorium at La Guerite, at 4 pm.
Thursday 1st November-Care visits to the Flambuoyant home in Nevis and Cardin Home in St. Kitts, at 10 am.
Friday 2nd November-Free legal advice clinics at the Newtown Community Center in St. Kitts and the Red Cross Headquarters in Nevis, from 10 am to 2 pm.
Saturday 3rd November-A day of sporting activities and absolute fun at the Flow grounds in Basseterre, dubbed LAW-LYMPICS. It begins at 11 am and goes UNTIL.
The activities will climax on Monday 5th November with a public lecture at the Ocean Terrace Inn at 7 pm by Rt. Hon. Sir Dennis Byron: “Justice in the era of instant gratification.”