The Leeward Islands Cricket Board along with LiveislandsEvents presents the 2018 Leeward Islands U-19 Tournament which is being held in Montserrat. The Main Objective at this stage is to promote our new cricket stars for the future.
For this, we salute the management of Radio ZJB who have teamed up to have live ball by ball commentary of all games that will be played at the Little Bay Sports Complex in Montserrat.
For the Cricket Fans who might not be in a position to link on Facbookliveislands feel free to tune into Radio Montserrat (ZJB) 95.5FM or 88.3FM.
Schedule of matches
Thursday 28th June 2018: Antigua & Barbuda vs Nevis
Friday 29th June 2018: Antigua & Barbuda vs St Kitts.
Saturday 30th June 2018: Nevis vs Montserrat
Sunday 01st July 2018: Anguilla vs Montserrat
Monday 02nd July 2018: Antigua & Barbuda vs Montserrat.
The Tournament will be of a 50 Over Format and Red Balls will be used.
At the Conclusion of the Tournament the Leeward Islands will participate in the Cricket West Indies U-19 tournament in St Vincent & the Grenadines from July 31st- August 30th 2018.
All Cricket Fans around The World, are kindly asked to support Leeward Islands Cricket; share the Information and Tune in to or liveislandsfacebook. Make sure you link to Radio Montserrat (ZJB) 95.5FM or 88.3FM.