By:Curtis Morton
Butlers-Nevis-One hard working couple and another senior citizen were honoured at the Butler’s village annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony which was held on the evening of Monday 12th December.
The ceremony which was held at the grounds of the community center, was ably chaired by the dynamic Adela Francis –Meade and commenced with prayer by Pastor Josiah of the Seventh day Adventist church. This was followed by the pan rendition of the national anthem by Ranciato Jeffers.
The varying talents of the village were highlighted, as some of the children performed in poetry and dance. Additionally, the Burke twins showed off their exceptional skills on steel pan; Gillian and Senovia Vaughn teamed up in a wonderful duet and Sheryl Sutton also delivered one of her upbeat poems.
The sermon of the evening was delivered by Pastor Josiah who focused on the reason for the season and told those present, that God would have blessed them tremendously throughout the year and for that reason, they should be giving thanks.
The hard working husband and wife team of Lindy and Essie Delashley, was honoured with plaques and a bouquet of flowers for their outstanding community service efforts and Roderick Griffin who started off his working life as a Tailor, but made a successful career as a Prison officer, was also honoured.
Essie Delashley then had the privilege of pulling the switch to light up the Christmas tree and then all present were treated with snacks.