BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, OCTOBER 12TH 2013 (CUOPM) – Nationals of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis are counted among the increasing number of transfer students attending the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI).

Recently the Government of Prime Minister the Right Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas and the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College (CFBC) renewed its Memorandum of Understanding with the University of the Virgin Islands which allows Kittitian and Nevisian students who complete two years at CFBC to complete the two other years at the UVI and gain a full degree.
The recent MOU provides 25 scholarships or financial assistance of not less than US $7,500.00 annually and six study-leave scholarships for persons who work in the government who will be paid 80 percent of their salary. In return the University will offer the students from St. Kitts and Nevis, nationals and non-nationals, as long as they are students or have been students of the CFBC, a rate that is comparable to rates being paid by students who are nationals of the Virgin Islands.
The MOU will be for a period of 10 years from the date of its signature and a midterm review will be conducted after five years to determine adjustments that may be required to suit the needs of the people of St. Kitts and Nevis and to adjust to whatever conditions may be required from the end of the UVI.
The UVI in a news release says the number of new transfer and National Student Exchange (NSE) students attending the University of the Virgin Islands has increased for fall 2013.
Preliminary numbers reveal that UVI’s new transfer students increased by 75 percent from fall 2012 to fall 2013. The number of NSE students increased by 29 percent on the St. Thomas Campus and by 57 percent on the Albert A. Sheen Campus on St. Croix, during the same time period.
UVI’s transfer students come from all over the United States and the Caribbean. From fall 2012 to fall 2013, new transfer students on the St. Thomas Campus increased by 105 percent and on the Albert A. Sheen Campus on St. Croix new transfer students increased by 24 percent.
UVI Director of Admissions and Recruitment Dr. Xuri Maurice Allen credits the increase in part to enhanced out-of-territory recruitment efforts in recent years. He also believes students are beginning colleges closer to home to attend local community colleges or other two year institutions.
“A number of persons are opting to remain home to save money and then transfer to UVI,” said Dr. Allen. UVI has always had good relationships with two year institutions in the Eastern Caribbean like H. Lavity Stoutt Community College in Tortola, Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College in St. Kitts, Dominica State College and Antigua State College. There also appears to be increased interest from St. Lucia’s Sir Arthur Lewis Community College and Anguilla now has Anguilla Community College. “Our transfer numbers should continue to be robust as UVI has entered into memorandums of understanding with Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College and the Nevis Sixth Form College,” Dr. Allen added.
The number of NSE students on the St. Thomas Campus has been increasing for a many years. Since the 2009-2010 academic year, the number of NSE students on the St. Thomas Campus increased by 288 percent. In the 2009-2010 academic year, there were nine NSE students attending UVI on the St. Thomas Campus and by the 2013-2014 academic year there are 35 NSE students. Since the 2011-2012 academic year, the number of students on the Sheen Campus increased by 57 percent. In the 2011-2012 academic year, there were seven NSE students attending UVI on the Sheen Campus and there are 11 NSE this academic year.
UVI Interim Dean of Students and the NSE program coordinator on the Sheen Campus Patricia Towal and St. Thomas Campus NSE Coordinator Dahlia Stridiron credit the growing popularity of the NSE program to increased outreach. For the past two years, Towal and Stridiron have attended the National Student Exchange Placement Conference. There met with 180 NSE coordinators from universities all over the country. “We have really connected with a lot of the other coordinators,” Towal said. “They play a critical role in placing students.”
Coordinators at the conference walk away with promotional gifts and information about the unique benefits of attending UVI. “Where else are you going to get a class of 10 to 15 students taught probably by a Ph.D. instructor,” Towal said. “If you come here college ready you are going to be in freshman classes taught possible by a Ph.D. or master’s level instructor. You are going to be known and supported because we are going to get to know you personally.”
She continued, “We offer all the courses that you would normally be looking for but we are also going to give you this cultural kallaloo. You’re going to experience different languages, dialects, foods, cultural events, history and cultural atmosphere here that you’re not going to get on the mainland. Even if you’re coming from another HBCU, the Caribbean experience is very different.”
“I chose UVI because I wanted to experience something completely different from what I am used to,” said NSE Student Juanyta Shuler, who comes to UVI from Prairie View A&M University in Texas. “I was intrigued with the Caribbean culture, its history and its location is exotic.” She continued, “I wanted to go somewhere away from the states so that I could expand my network worldwide.”
As UVI Student Government Association Social and Cultural Committee chairperson Shuler has the opportunity to immerse herself in Caribbean culture. “My UVI experience has been wonderful,” said Shuler, a social work major taking classes on UVI’s Sheen Campus. “I’ve made a lot of new lifelong friends. I love the school’s academia; it is very prestigious and challenging.”
NSE Student Maddison Rokosh, a biology major, is enjoying her time on UVI’s St. Thomas Campus. Her favorite thing about attending UVI is the MacLean Marine Science Center. “I really enjoy my marine labs where I get to snorkel, scuba dive and collect data, while enjoying the warm, beautiful water. I’ve also really enjoyed being able to take the kayaks the MMSC has out for free and exploring neighboring bays with classmates.”
“Everything has been great,” said Rokosh. She is originally from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Rokosh came to UVI from the University of Louisville in Kentucky. “I have made many friends from NSE and from the island. I have been enjoying the beautiful water, beaches and mountains.”
NSE Student Austin Dubbs, an ecology and marine biology major, was enrolled at Montana State University before coming to the University’s St. Thomas Campus. He said he is enjoying the UVI experience. “The lifestyle is much different than what I am accustomed to back home,” said Dubbs who is originally from Montana. “I love that I have opportunities every day to go to a wide variety of beaches on the island and am able to explore a different culture.”
He continued, “What I like most about UVI is that everybody is really friendly; that it is a small campus so everybody has a chance to know a lot more people and get the chance to get close to a wide variety of people.”
UVI’s NSE students come from universities all over the nation. This year’s students came from the University of Alabama-Birmingham, the University of New Mexico, the University of Kentucky, the University of Montana, the University of Alaska, and the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, among others.
“The NSE Program is a wonderful opportunity for UVI students to broaden their educational experience,” said Stridiron. “Students that participate in the program often report that this was a life changing experience. I believe that every student should participate in an exchange opportunity for at least one semester prior to graduating.”
Towal said that many of the students stay for one semester, but like it so much they opt to stay for two semesters. Two NSE students on the Sheen Campus on St. Croix are actively involved in the Student Government Association (SGA). One is the Social and Cultural Committee chairperson and the other is the SGA events coordinator.
UVI St. Thomas Campus Dean of Students Dr. Doris Battiste supports the NSE program and student transfers. “Anytime you have a campus where you have a large diverse population it contributes to student development,” said Dr. Battiste. “Everyone learns from each other and I think our role in Student Affairs is to enhance student learning outside of the classroom.” She continued, “I think the diversity helps students to appreciate other cultures and also help them to grow and respect the differences that exist in all of us.”