Charlestown-Nevis– This coming Thursday-25th October, will see the presentation of a very important documentary at the Nevis Performing Arts Center (NEPAC).
On that night, highlights of the cultural exchange to the UK which was done in 2017, will be shown free of cost to the general public.
That year 2017, historically marked the 50th anniversary of the Leeds carnival, which was conceptualized and implemented by Nevisian, Arthur France MBE, along with a few trusted friends.
The Nevis Island Administration saw it fit then, to send a team of cultural ambassadors to be a part of the significant festival and to pay homage to a truly great Nevisian son.
Since then, Mr. France returned to Nevis in 2018 and was the grand Marshall at the Cultural street parade and officiated at the opening of Culturama 44.
The trip to the UK in 2017, included local singers; dancers; steel pan; masquerades; big drum and fife.
The delegation also had the opportunity to entertain a huge Leeds audience in a wonderful concert setting one of the evenings.
Just over a year later, Mr. Kerry Williams has completed going through the tons and tons of video footage captured during the trip and edited it into a wonderful package, which is a must see.
Chief coordinator of the trip in 2017, Ms. Sheilagh James, is assuring the general public that they will be highly entertained and informed and guess what?
Entrance is absolutely free!
Everyone is kindly asked to make it a date: Thursday 25th October at 7.00 pm at NEPAC.