By:Curtis Morton
Gingerland-Nevis-The venue was the Gingerland Methodist church and the significant day was Thursday 6th July.
In focus, was the graduating class of the Gingerland preschool, for the year 2017.
The activity was held under the distinguished patronage of Mrs. Elvina Ideta Mulcaire.
After the processional, which saw some of the parents marching into the church with their children, the program was ably chaired by Miss Shoya Lawrence, who in her opening remarks, expressed congratulations to the twenty-eight Graduants, the teachers and parents and admonished the parents to continue to guide the children, as they make their way into the Primary school.
The invocation was delivered by parent Akbar Fyfield and the national anthem was lustily sung by some of the graduates.
The school’s report was delivered by Mrs. Pamella Elliot-Lawrence, who gave a comprehensive overview of the achievements of the school over the last year. She made it a point of duty to commend her staff members and the supportive parents for their assistance.
Former Principal at the Jocelyn Liburd Primary School, Mrs. Marion Lescott, delivered the feature address and spoke mainly to the parents.
She asked them to bring up the children in the fear and admonition of Jesus Christ; teach them bible verses and take them to Sunday school or Sabbath school as the case may be.
In summary, she asked them to:
- Teach the children the fear of God
- Teach them good manners
- Help them to set achievable goals
- Keep encouraging them
The highlight of the day was the presentation of certificates and gifts to the graduates and to deserving teachers and parents.
Throughout the morning, the speeches were interspersed with songs, poems and a dance by the students of the school.
The vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Medrick Mills.