OECS Media Release
Friday, June 23, 2017 — Approximately 25 juvenile justice practitioners, including magistrates, social workers, probation officers, and nurses were trained in the application and use of risk assessment and mental health screening tools in an effort to improve the treatment and management of at-risk youth within the juvenile justice system.
The four-day Risk Assessment and Mental Health Screening Workshop, hosted by the Ministry of Equity, Social Justice, Empowerment, Youth Development, Sports, Culture and Local Government in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, Home Affairs and National Security in St. Lucia, took place on June 20 -23, 2017.
Supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), under phase two of its Juvenile Justice Reform Project (JJRP), the initiative prepared juvenile justice personnel with practical skills in mental health screening, as well as case planning and report writing. It also provided guidance on the policies governing the risk assessment process.
The JJRP is implemented by the OECS Commission with funding from the United States Government through USAID. The JJRP works to increase the use of alternative sentencing for youth in conflict with the law; ensure detention centers and diversion programs provide support services to foster rehabilitation; and support the reintegration of youth leaving detention facilities and returning to their families and communities.